Fourteen Year Old Girls – Strategy Guides

Fourteen Year Old Girls Strategy Guides:

Fuck you, this is not funny.

Rating: 2/15 for dorks who think is funny stuff

The Lonely Island – Incredibad

The Lonely Island Incredibad:

Comedy music albums tend to suck. This album manages to suck ten fold because not only is it a comedy music album, its an SNL comedy rap album. So that means about three fourths of this is just completely unfunny. The few songs that have a trace of humor in them are unfunny due to being over played or one note joke. Really wasn’t “Dick In A Box” just lame the second time around? The only song worth listening to at all is “I’m On A Boat” and that’s because we get to hear T-Pain croon about copulating with a mermaid.

Rating: 1/15 Lame attempts at humor from a moldy show that should have been canceled in 2000