Extortion – Terminal Cancer EP

Extortion Terminal Cancer EP:

Your usual Power Violence album. That means it’s loud, fast, angry, and poorly recorded. Gets old quickly, but still fun to listen to once in a while.

Rating: 9/15 better song titles than actual songs

Converge and Agoraphobic Nosebleed – The Poacher Diaries

Converge and Agoraphobic Nosebleed The Poacher Diaries:

A penutbutter and jelly split: Two awesome bands that just sound sound soo good together. Though one would think that grindcore and metalcore wouldn’t work that well on one cd, but these two manage to make it worth. Neither side is really better than the other, just equal awesomeness. The only downside is Converge’s side sounds like it was recorded in their parents’ garage. Scott Hull, time to remaster that shit.

Rating: 14/15 not enough anger

Teenage Jesus and The Jerks-Everything

Teenage Jesus and The Jerks Everything:

Loud atonal music from one of the original No Wave bands. The album consists primarily of Lydia Lunch going apeshit over a minimalistic rhythm section. Some of these tracks have not stood the test of time, and others suffer from poor recording quality. However, tracks such as orphans are absolutely ferocious. The importance of this album cannot be denied, its just too bad better quality recordings don’t exist.Worth the listen, especially for aspiring guitarists and singers.

Rating 11/15 Richard Kern films